This article outlines important features of the ACA Data Detailed Report, and provides directions on navigating through the report
How to view the ACA Data Detailed Report
Login to the system and navigate via your menu to Team Tab > HR Icon > ACA > ACA Data Detailed
Column Headers
- Employee EIN - EIN
- Employee Status - Active/Terminated
- Month - month of the year being viewed.
- Year - year being viewed.
- 1095-C Line 14 Codes (Series 1) - Describes the coverage that employer offered to employee and their spouse and dependent(s), if any.
- 1095-C Line 15 Amount - Reports the employee required contribution, which is the monthly cost the employee for the lowest cost self-only minimum essential coverage providing minimum value that the company offered.
- 1095-C Line 16 Codes (Series 2) - reports information about the type of coverage an employee is enrolled in and if the employer has met the employer’s shared responsibility "Safe Harbor" provisions of Section 4980H.
- 2A - Employee not employed during the month
- 2B - Employee not a full-time employee
- 2C - Employee enrolled in coverage offered. (This code usually supersedes all other codes.)
- 2D - Employee in a section 4980H(b) Limited Non-Assessment Period.
- 2E - Multiemployer interim rule relief. Applies only to multiemployer plans, not applicable to the State Health Plan (SHP).
- 2F - Section 4980H affordability Form W-2 safe harbor.
- 2G - Section 4980H affordability FPL safe harbor.
- 2H - Section 4980H affordability rate of pay safe harbor.
- 2I - Non-calendar year transition relief applies to this employee. Not applicable to the SHP.
- Hours - Hours worked that month
- Average Hours in Measurement Period - Average number of hours worked in the signified Measurement Period
- Month Status - FT/PT
- ACA Status - FT/PT
- Waiting Period Month - Shows either month 1 or 2
- Compliance Alert - Y/N (shows if an employee is in danger of moving from FT-PT or vice versa)
- Approaching ACA FT - PT employee working enough to qualify as FT
- Possible Downgrade - FT employee not working enough to qualify as FT
- Error Code - Lists error code if one is present
- Limited Non Assessment Period - Y/N. Period of time where an employer is not subject to certain ACA penalties (first three months of employment, change in full time status, etc).
- Initial Measurement Month - First month of plan year = 1, month after that = 2, etc.
- Initial Administrative Month - first month of employment for a new hire where an employer is determining if they qualify as a full-time employee
- Initial Stability Month - the first month within a new employee's initial measurement period, typically considered to be the 13th month following their hire date
- Standard Measurement Month - a calendar month where an employee is considered full-time if they work at least 130 hours of service
- Standard Administrative Month - a single calendar month used to report whether an individual was covered by health insurance for that specific month
- Standard Stability Month - the period of time during which an employee is considered full-time for health insurance purposes, even if their hours fluctuate, based on a previous measurement period where they averaged at least 130 hours per month
- Affordable Plan Offered - Y/N
- Minimum Value Plan Offered - Y/N