Please be aware that this guide is not all encompassing and that your benefit settings are customized per client. If you have any questions regarding a specific setting or process within your system or its purpose, please reach out to your designated specialist or to the email for assistance.
Log into your Elevated account and navigate from your menu to the Team Tab > Benefits > Court Mandated Benefit Coverage.
From this report, select the Add New button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and select the employee in the pop-up window before selecting to Continue.
On the following screen, identify the following pieces of information:
Effective From/To - Indicate the length of time the dependent should be enrolled in the plans
Dependent - Select the lookup icon to select the dependent(s) you wish to add to the court order
Benefit Plan Types - Select the + Add button to add the appropriate benefit types to the order
Comments - Add any additional comments regarding the order into this section (if applicable)
Once you've entered the information above, select to Save in the upper right-hand corner.
Once you've enforced the Court Order onto the employee's account, you should reach out and have them directly place a Life Change Event within the system to add the dependent(s) to their plan(s).
Once the Life Change Event has been approved, you will receive a to-do item to approve it so that the plans are added to the employee's account. For additional details on how the employee can submit a life change event, please see this Article.
If for some reason you would rather add the benefit plans to the employee's account, you can do so by navigating to the employee's profile and add them as needed. For additional details on how to add benefit plans to an employee's profile manually, please see this Article.