Advanced Scheduling - Assigning Managers

Advanced Scheduling - Assigning Managers

In order to manage anything on the actual Schedule, a manager must have the proper security profile, have access to the team they oversee, and must be assigned to the "Managed Cost Center". Below is an overview of all three steps to ensure your managers can start making schedules and editing skills, etc. 

Security Profile: 

When we set up your account to have access to Scheduling, we will usually edit a current TLM Manager Security profile to include Scheduling if the same person manages time schedules. If your company has only a scheduler, we may create a specific profile for you. Check with your Green Leaf rep to determine which profile to use. 

To check on the manager's security profile, navigate to the employee record (Hamburger Menu > Team Icon > My Team > Employee Information - locate the manager, then "Profiles". Find the Profile titled "Security" and choose the appropriate profile to match, such as "TLM/Scheduling Manager". 

Access to the Team "Groups"
Now to make sure this manager has access to the team they oversee, they must have access to the people. To check on this or to add, navigate to the Hamburger Menu > Gear Icon > Global Set Up > Groups > Edit

Look for the group that best fits this manager. For example, if they oversee the entire department, you may look for the cost center by name or if they oversee everyone, choose the "All Company Employee" group. Choose the pencil next to the group. Then choose "View Group Permissions"

Once there, you can see current managers to the left as seen below or you can add a new manager by choosing "Add Manager". Once you add a manager, don't forget to check off which tasks they can do for that group. This will affect what they see in the employees when they operate in the system. 

Below is the window that appears when you "Add Manager". Choose the manager then check all boxes that apply. 


Assigning the Cost Center to the Manager  

In order for the manager to have the right to add skills to employees or edit workload templates (beyond security to this data), they must also have the Cost Center assigned to them in their employee record. To do this, you can do it by Mass Edit, or you can add it manually.


Manually: Hamburger Menu > Team Icon > My Team > Employee Information - locate the employee, open the employee record and locate the "Managed Scheduled Cost Centers" widget. Add the cost centers by choosing the ellipses and "Add Cost Centers".





 Now your manager should be able to have full functionality to schedule, add skills, create workload templates, etc. 

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