Advanced Scheduling - Creating a Schedule

Advanced Scheduling - Creating a Schedule

When creating a schedule, there are a few options such as manually creating the schedule, utilizing a pre-made template (workload template), and/or templates related to POS System data, etc. All options are found in the Advanced Scheduling Tool. Below all options are explained.


To create a schedule, first, navigate to Hamburger Menu > Team Icon > Schedule > Advanced Scheduling > Schedules - based on what criteria you will be using, follow one of the 3 options below.


When using a Template:
  1. Add New

  2. Choose the "Base Setting" (these are the rules or budget created for you and can be edited via gear icon > scheduler settings > schedule settings - refer to the article for more info)

  3. Enter the Start Date (usually the first day of the week)


Choose "Import Workload Template". The templates created prior will be your options. If you need to create additional templates refer to Workload Templates for steps to create additional templates to use.

Once Import Workload Template is chosen, the view will look like the below:


If you want to add a shift on the fly to this template, choose "Add Requirement". This will add the time, skill, etc. to the template to allow for the system to add the additional shift needed into the auto-population equation. Keep in mind, you can still add shifts to the employees in steps later on.

Now we must "Generate Shifts For Open Coverage". This step will create the shifts to fill.

After "Generate Shifts for Open Coverage" has been clicked, you may now click on "Week View". This will take you to the screen seen below. You'd then need to click the ellipses to "Assign Shifts". This step will auto-populate all shifts and assign them to employees. If you need to assign a hard coded (Freeze/PIN) manual shift to an employee before "Assign Shifts" you would want to click the ellipses before assigning. Then add the manual shift, PIN/Freeze the shift, then click the ellipses to "Assign Shifts".




 Assigning shifts will take a moment as the system works through all rules on the employees, company, etc. If you get an error, please check to ensure you "Generated" shifts before this step. 
The new view has all action items in the ellipses on the next screen. 

Once the system is done assigning, you may now click into the ellipses (if you did not already on the earlier step) and choose week view to see the full scope of the shifts generated.


Once shifts are assigned, your schedule should look something like this - now you can skip down to fine-tuning steps.





When creating a schedule Manually:

Navigate to Hamburger Menu > Team Icon > Advanced Scheduling > Schedules

Add New - choose the rules from the drop-down and add the start date of the schedule.


Once on this screen SAVE then click ellipses and choose "Week View" to start manually adding shifts.

Once in the schedule, simply click into a day on the employee row, then the box below will appear. Choose "Add New Shift".

You can edit the date and time, choose a cost center (scroll down)

Add the skill and now "Save" becomes available. If there were any conflicts, there would be an alert at this time.

Continue adding shifts until the schedule is complete.




Cloning (copying):

If you have a shift you want to copy, rather than following all steps from above, navigate to the scheduling area, rather than hitting new, click on the icon seen below. Then follow the steps of updating the dates.



Once you clone and add the dates, no need to generate or assign shifts as they will already be created per the copy.



Once the schedule is created by any of the 4 options above, you will now have the option to start fine-tuning the schedule before "Posting" the schedule. To get to the schedule click on the ellipses in the upper right corner and choose "Week View".


Here's a quick overview of what the schedule would look like and some quick tips/tricks on functionality.



Clicking on an employee's name, a new window will appear showing you the hours they are scheduled as well as availability and preferences (if applicable).


Clicking into a shift will give the option to "unassign employee", "copy", "delete" or "manage shift" which will give the option to change the time/cost center/ etc. for the shift. If you "unassign" the shift will move to "Open Shifts" to the left, if you "Delete" the shift will be deleted. If you "Copy" you would then click into the space you'd like to "Paste" the shift to. Managing will allow you to update the time of the shift or any other criteria you need to update.




On the left, all "Open" shifts will be listed. When clicking on the "Open" shift, you will have the option to "Assign Employee". Once clicked a list of employees available to work the shift, will be listed to choose from. The second tab will have a list of employees not available and the reasons why. The reasons can be overridden but you may also want to take into consideration some of the constraints and rules assigned to the employees that could cause the restricted list of Qualified employees.



When "constraints" or rules pop up or are restricting you from being able to schedule an employee, you can click the ellipses and "Override Constraint" allowing you to schedule the employee regardless of the constraint.





You can view the schedule by Weekly, Daily, Employee, and/or Cost Center.

Each View will have more/less info than the next. Daily will have the coverage by hour options. FYI, No matter what view you're on, the whole week will post when you are ready to do so.



 To print:


If you'd like to print the schedule, click the ellipses to "Print". Once the schedule has been posted, a PDF option will become available. Excel in this view is not available.


To Delete a Schedule:


If you accidentally add too many shifts, you will need to manually remove the shifts. If not too much work has been done, we recommend Deleting and starting over.

Below is found by navigation: Hamburger Menu > Team Icon > Schedule> Advanced Scheduling > Schedules



To Post a Schedule:


Once a shift is how you'd like it to be,  you can then "Post" the schedule. To post the schedule, choose the ellipses in the upper right of the schedule itself and choose "Post".

At that time, the status will move from "Trial" to "Posted". A posted schedule will send an alert to employees that the schedule has been posted as well as become visible for managers to view as well as populate on timesheets and reports.



For employee views of the schedule once posted, please refer to the employee Knowledge Center articles on Schedules.










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