To view your schedule navigate to the Hamburger Menu > Single Person Icon > My Schedule > Schedule
OR you can hover over the time icon to select "My Schedule View".
Highlighted Days indicate days that you are scheduled and the breakdown of the schedule is listed in detail to the right as seen above.
To toggle between months, you can choose the arrows in the RED BOX.
To Show Open Shifts (if applicable) - Choose the "Show Open Shifts" in GREEN BOX
To Sync with your personal Calendar, choose "Sync Schedule" in the BLUE BOX
All functionality is available on our Mobile App! Download HCMtoGo
If your company policy allows for dropping or swapping shifts, your schedule would have the icon as seen below next to the scheduled shift. Please note - this will only appear if your company allows it AND if the timeframe for swap is allowed.
To initiate a Swap, click the icon.
The window below will appear. At that point, you can choose to "Swap Shift" or to "Request Coverage". Swap Shift would be if you have a shift you'd like to switch with between you and another employee with the same "Skill"/role as you. Request for Coverage would be similar to dropping a shift, where you can't work and looking to find someone to cover your shift but not switch.
Below is an outline of each scenario.
To Shift Swap:
Choose the person/shift you'd like to send the Swap to.
If you'd like to see more details, choose the arrow next to "Details" as seen in the YELLOW BOX. Make sure to check the box next to the shift/person then click "SUBMIT".
After you submit, the person you chose will receive a notification to approve the Swap. Your schedule will look like the one below.
The person you are trying to Swap with (or if you are the one to receive a Swap Request), your To Do Items would look like the below. You can see your current shift and the proposed shift listed.
To Approve or Reject the Swap, Select the Circle Next to the Date of the Shift to Pick Up then choose "Approve" if you'd like to accept. If you would like to Reject, choose Reject.
Then, depending on your company rules, the manager may also need to approve before this Swap is complete.
If the Swap requires Manager Approval, your Schedule will reflect the status update as seen below.
After the full process has been completed your schedule will reflect the new schedule and the shift you dropped will be removed.
Coverage Request:
To request coverage (Drop a Shift), choose "Coverage Request" as seen below. Once this option is chosen, a list of employees that are available or fit the role will appear as options to choose from.
Once you choose the person or people to send the Coverage Request to, choose "Submit"
The person or people that you chose will then receive a notification in their inbox to pick up your shift. If more than one person is chosen to alert of the request, then the first person to take the shift will alert the others that the shift is covered and no longer available.
Depending on your company rules, this may require manager approval before the entire process is complete. Once all has been approved for the "Drop" the schedules will be updated on both your schedule (eliminating the shift) and show the employee who picked up the shift.