Audit - Employee Record Changes

Audit - Employee Record Changes

In order to view an audit trail of any changes made to an employee's record, you must first go to the employee's record. 

Navigation: Hamburger Menu > Team Icon > My Team > Employee Information - Find the employee and click on the Employee Information icon. 

Once there - choose the "Employee Link" icon as seen below. (Keep in mind, you can get to the employee link anywhere you see this icon) 

The next window will appear - choose "Account Audit Trail" 

Once in the Audit Trail below breaks down how to navigate and find what criteria you may be looking for. 

RED BOX: Make sure to open up the date range you'd like to see by clicking on the Blue Pill in the RED BOX. 
GREEN BOX = the Object, which is the type of change you may be looking for. For example, if you wanted to see the last time a Base Rate was updated and by whom, you'd change the drop-down with the = symbol from = to "like" then in the green box enter the word "Base" to search base rate or whichever topic you may be trying to see. 
BLUE BOX = this will show the old value and the new - showing the change. Depending on the criteria the value may have different meanings. 
BLUE BOX 2 = Who made the change? If it's System - it means it was automated by the system or a user outside of the company. This could also mean information loaded via data dump through imports. 

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