Configuring Automated Report Emails

Configuring Automated Report Emails

This article will define the steps of how to set up an automated report email within the Elevated System. Automated report emails will allow you to set up custom reports that can then be sent to you via email on a daily, weekly, monthly, or even annual basis. While not all reports have the ability to schedule an automated email, most do and you'll be able to tell by following the steps outlined below.

Please be aware that this guide is not all encompassing and that this functionality may be expanded in the future. If you have any questions regarding report email automation or it is not covered here, please reach out to your HR Consultant/Technician or Payroll Specialist for more information.

To start, navigate to the report you wish to set up report automation for. As an example, we'll be using the Employee Information report, which can be reached by navigating from your menu to the Team Tab > My Team > Employee Information. In my example, I'm creating a report that shows me all employees in the Sales Department as of the day the report is being sent. Once the report has been created and all applicable columns and filtering are present, select the ellipses above the report to the right and select to Save View As.

In the pop-up window, provide a name for the report at the top. You can optionally provide a description and set of tags if you'd like in order to locate the report easier from My Saved Reports. You can check the boxes for My Default or to Share. However, please keep in mind that you can NOT select the options for Deletion and Overwriting Is Not Allowed or Share With All, as you will lose the ability to create email automation if you do so. Once your settings are set, select to Save & Run in the lower right-hand corner of the pop-up.

Once your report is saved, you can now set up an email schedule for the report. To do so, select the ellipses above the report again and select to Manage Email Schedules.

In the pop-up that appears, select to + Add Schedule in the upper right-hand corner.

In the secondary pop-up, fill in the following information:
1. Schedule Name - Provide a name for this schedule. It is best practice to provide the same name you used for the schedule, but any value can be placed here.
2. Description - It is best practice to provide the purpose of the automation as well as when it is sending and on what cadence (i.e., daily, weekly, etc.).

3. Schedule Type - You can choose either Weekdays or Days Profile from this list. 
  1. Weekdays: This allows you to state which days of the week you wish to have the file send. You can select multiple days if needed within any given week.
  2. Days Profile: This allows you to get more creative with how often your file sends. You can set up days profiles to run the first Monday of every month, first day of every quarter, and many other options. However, this section takes additional configuration to implement. If you do not see any options here that fit your needs, please reach out to your payroll and/or HR contact at Green Leaf for assistance.
4. Schedule - Indicate the time of day you'd like the file to be sent out.

5. Recipients - This area allows you to identify who you'd like the file to be sent to.
  1. Send To Me: This setting will ensure that the file is sent to you based on the schedule identified. This will send the file to your Primary Email Address within the system.
  2. Account: This setting allows you to select individual(s) you'd like to send the system to that exist within the system. This will send to the recipients Primary Email Address within the system.
  3. Group: This setting allows you to select employees from a pre-existing group within the system. This will send to the recipients Primary Email Address within the system.
  4. Emails: This setting allows you to enter an external email to the recipient list. You can select to + Add below this option to add more than one external email.
  5. View Email Report With: This settings will identify whose permissions to use when sending the report.
    1. Recipients Permissions: This option will use the recipients permissions that the file is being sent to. As an example, if you included department as a column in the report but the recipient can't see departments, that information would be left out of the report. 
    2. My Permissions: This option will use your permissions when sending the file, regardless of what security permissions the end recipient has. This should be used for external email as well as if you want the recipients to see information in the report they wouldn't regularly see in the system.

6. Email - This section will allow you to set up the email settings for the report.
  1. Report Format: This allows you to select the format the document should be in when it is sent.
  2. Optional Password: You can set up a password if you would like recipients to provide one when accessing the document. This is highly recommended if the file contains socials, dates of birth, or any other personal information.
  3. From Email Address: This allows you to identify what the from email address will state in the email. As a best practice, Green Leaf utilizes However, you can use any email you'd prefer to utilize.
  4. Display Header/Footer: This provides report data at the top of the file to show the report location, date it was exported, etc. It is best practice to turn this setting off.
  5. Message Title: This will be the Subject line that shows within the email. It is recommended to provide a title that explains to the recipients what the attached report contains.
  6. Message Body: This will be the Body of the email that shows to the recipient. Again, it is recommended to provide details explaining what the attached report contains.
  7. Minimum/Maximum Rows to Send: It is best practice to leave the minimum as 1 and to set the maximum to be 3500.

Once all settings have been set, select to Save in the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up window.

At this point, you have now Successfully set up an automated report scheduled!

You can navigate back to this same area to edit existing schedules for any saved reports or create new ones. As an additional note, you can set up multiple schedules on one report if needed.

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