This article provides information on utilizing the Dependents Report within the system. While you can review this information in multiple locations, the dedicated Dependents report allows you to pull in the most Dependent information.
How to View the Dependents Report
Login to your Elevated account and navigate to the Dependents report from your menu by clicking Team Tab > Benefits Icon > Dependents
Column Headers
- Employee Id - Employee ID number
- First Name - EMPLOYEE first name
- Last Name - EMPLOYEE last name
- Employee Status - Active / Terminated / LOA / etc.
- Benefit Plan Name - Name of Benefit Plan
- Coverage Name - Coverage Level within Benefit Plan
- Dependent Type - Beneficiary / Contingent Beneficiary / Spouse / Child
- Dependent First Name - DEPENDENT first name
- Dependent Last Name - DEPENDENT last name
- Dependent % of Distribution - If Beneficiary or Contingent Beneficiary, the percentage of the benefit each beneficiary will receive.
- Included in Premium Calculation - If plan premium is based on number of Children enrolled in the plan, indicates whether Dependent is included in the calculation.
Additional Dependent Details
If you need additional Dependent Details, you can pull them in by clicking the ellipses above the report and selecting Add/Remove Columns in the drop down menu. If you need to export the Report outside of the system, you can click Export.
Common Additional Dependent Details to pull into the report include
- Dependent DOB
- Dependent Gender
- Dependent SS# / Primary National ID
- Dependent Coverage Dates
- Dependent Relationship (can be different than Dependent Type, different relationships can be listed as Beneficiaries, for example)