Advanced Scheduler - Employee Maintenance

Advanced Scheduler - Employee Maintenance

In order for the Scheduler to work properly you need 3 main factors assigned to the employees. You need them to have a Skill(s) assigned, they need to have a Scheduled Cost Center (different than Default Cost Center), and they must have a Scheduler Profile assigned. During the implementation of the Schedule, we would assist in assigning the Skills, Profiles, and Cost Centers, but moving forward, all new hires and current employees would be maintained manually or at the time of hire. 


To locate the Skills and Scheduled Cost Centers navigate the employee record. The navigation path is Hamburger Menu > Team Icon > My Team > Employee Information > Click on the employee info icon. 
Once in the record, locate the Time Keeping & Scheduling tab. 

Once there, you will see the Jump To box to choose Skill or Scheduled Cost Center. 

Then to add a Skill - choose the +Add option. If you need to add new Skills to the Company the "Define Skills" button will take you to the Skills setup. (Keep in mind that adding Skills would also need to be added to the templates if applicable)

If the employee has more than 1 skill, you may want to mark the main skill as primary. Note there is also the option to add years and skill levels. Both options are for reporting purposes only. If employees need to be scheduled more often than others due to seniority, etc. that would be determined in the employee's Scheduler Profile. If an employee has a skill they need to be assigned but rarely works that particular skill, then the skill would be marked as "Float". 

Adding Scheduled Cost Center

To add the  Scheduled Cost Center, choose the ellipses in the Scheduled Cost Center tile, then choose "Add Cost Centers". Choose which is applicable. 

Scheduler Profile
In order for the employees to be scheduled, the employees must also have a "Scheduler Profile" assigned to them. This profile would have been built to determine rules that apply to this employee, such as how many hours the employee can work in a day, or week, etc. 

To apply the profile to the employee, navigate to the employee info screen, then open up the employee's record. Navigate to the profiles section of the account profile. Typically the profiles will be named based on the rules such as "Full-Time" or "Part-Time" to help ensure ease of choosing the proper option. 

Both the Scheduled Cost Center and Skills can be added to Defaults for Jobs if they will always be consistent. Be sure to check out the article on adding Jobs if you'd like to learn more. 

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