Employee Start Date Changed; Must Manually Add to the Payroll for Its Corresponding Pay Period

Employee Start Date Changed; Must Manually Add to the Payroll for Its Corresponding Pay Period

The system uses the employee's start date to generate timesheets and to add them to pay periods inside of the time prep. If a newly hired employee has a start date that changed, then the employee's time will not move over automatically to payroll. This can also cause issues with accruals not calculating and timesheets not being locked down. 

Common indicators that a timesheet is not included in the time prep would be...
  1. The timesheet is still editable after the pay period is closed from an administrator standpoint. 
  2. Hours-based accruals have an error that states that the "Pay period is not defined for date range being processed" when accruals are run.
  3. Timesheet hours do not move over to a pay statement. 
To add the employee to the time prep, take the steps below: 
  1. Navigate to the payroll process screens: hamburger menu > team icon > Payroll > Process Payroll. 
  2. Find the payroll in question which would contain the applicable pay period. 
  3. Navigate to the payroll prep process steps: 
  4. Navigate to the Time Prep by clicking on the text: "Go To Time Prep...". 
    Note: unlock the pay period first if it's already locked. 

  1. Click "EMPLOYEES" located in the upper right-hand area, and click "Add Employees".

  2. Click the ellipsis (...) in the upper right-hand area. 

  3. Check the box for the missing employees > click Apply. 
If you're in the middle of running payroll, all you need to do is process the payroll steps again for the missing employee(s) to pull through to execute the accruals. 

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