Federal Employer ID Application and/or How to Obtain Proof of EIN
When you start your business the Federal Government (IRS) will give you an Employer Identification Number (also referred to as EIN or FEIN) to be used for business needs as well as your identifier for Federal Payroll Taxes. In order for us to process your Federal taxes we will need a copy of your EIN along with your address as the IRS has it on file. The IRS will reject any payments or returns if the data is not perfect. In order for us to ensure the data is 100% accurate, we ask that you provide a copy of your SS-4 dated within 2 years or obtain a new copy. This
LINK will walk you through the application process as well as how to obtain a copy for onboarding purposes. Please scroll in the
LINK to find the steps as seen below. Once you obtain the SS-4 please send a copy to your implementation specialist. If the Tax Department has requested a copy, please submit a ticket by clicking

Please note that without the most up-to-date IRS information including EIN, Business Name, and Address, the IRS may reject payments and/or returns causing returns to be late. Any late returns or payments due to inaccurate data provided will result in the client's responsibility for penalties and interest.
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