How to Configure Job Requisition Questionnaires

How to Configure Job Requisition Questionnaires

A job requisition and benefits enrollment can be tied to a questionnaire. First, a questionnaire must be created under Company Settings > HR Setup > Form Questionnaires.


Click Add New to create a new form. Click the edit icon to edit an existing one. When adding a new form, select if the questionnaire will be tied to a job requisition or to benefit enrollment.



Name the questionnaire and add an optional description and save.





After you save, pages can be added to the form from the Add New Page button.



Click the edit icon to configure the page.



On the new page, a page screen message and questions can be added.






Page Screen Message    

This widget allows for information or messages to the user to be communicated.

Questions Widget    

Questions can be added by clicking the Add New Question button. When added, the question will become available in the Questions widget. Click the edit icon to complete the configuration. The question can then be configured. Options are available to add multiple items to a list, sort your questions, add another question from this page, add your new question to the library, and then add one of your library questions to the questionnaire page in the left panel.









Question Settings    

In the Question Settings section, complete the following fields:

Enabled: This will be checked by default. Uncheck to deactivate this question.

Is Required: Check to make this a required field. A red asterisk will appear next to any required field.

Type: The type of field (characters, date, numbers, dollar amounts, etc.).

Name The name of the field. The system will wrap text in fields that are too long and will designate the wrap with an asterisk. To wrap text, you will need to use the Label Width and Label Height fields.

Description: A brief description of the field.

Default Value: The default value of the field, if any.

Maximum Length: The maximum length that will be collected for the field.

Label: The text that appears on the form.

Label Width: This allows you to set the width of the label.

Label Alignment: This allows you to position the label at the top, bottom, left, or right of the page.

Label Height: This allows you to set the height of the label.

Width: Determines the width of the field. This does not change the size of the text.

Height: Determines the height of the field. This does not change the size of the text.

Open Conditional Question: When you check this check box, the Show Conditional Question On Option setting appears below this setting with a drop-down of the list of items created for that question. If there are no multiple items listed, the drop-down will be empty.

To add a selection list to a field item, click the Is List check box. Click Add to create a list item.

Is List: Allows you to create a drop-down list for the custom field.

Allow New: The system allows for additional fields to be added if a new field not included in the list is manually added to an employee's custom table.

Sort Ascending: This allows you to set the items to sort in ascending order.

Enter the Item Value and optional Item Code. Click Add to finish the entry. You can add as many entries as needed to the list.

Click the Add Multiple Items button to add multiple items to the list at one time. Type the list in the Items box and then click Add. Up to 50 fields can be added. You can also click the Sort Items button to sort the items alphabetically.

After the list is built, you can control the items in the list by using Insert, Edit, Delete, or the Up and Down buttons.

Answer Widget    

In this widget, enter one or more acceptable answers to the question. Each entry must be unique. This option will only display when you select Multi-Radio Button or Multi Check box as the question type.


Conditional Questions    

When adding certain types of questions and saving, the system can prompt you with an additional question to form the logic of the questions being entered. For example, when creating a conditional question such as a Yes/No response, the system will prompt you with a New Conditional Question entry that appears below the question containing the conditional setting.

You will need to save the question, click the back arrow next to the page label, and then click the edit icon for the conditional question.

For example, a conditional question for a valid driver's license can be configured with a Yes/No response, with an open condition placed on the No answer. After editing the additional question connected to the driver's license question, the respondent will have to provide a question from the drop-down list.

Library Questions    

When adding a question, you can choose to make that question a library question. To do this, open the question for editing and click the Add Question To Library button. You can use the questions again when building other forms or pages.

After you click the Add Question To Library button, you will be prompted with a confirmation window. An optional Input Category can be added.

After the question has been added as a library question, it will then be available when clicking the Add Library Question button.

Applicant Knockout Configuration Section    

Knockout functionality allows users to define questions that can eliminate an applicant from consideration for an open job requisition, as well as define when an applicant who was knocked out can re-apply.

Reapply Waiting Period: When an applicant is knocked out, this setting determines the number of days the applicant can re-apply for the same job. The system default is 30 days, which can be updated to fit your company's requirements.

Reapply Message: A default Reapply Message is included in this text box and will display to an applicant if the applicant attempts to reapply for the same job before the re-eligibility criteria are met. This message can be updated to your company's desired verbiage.

Knockout Message: A default Knockout Message is included in this text box and will display to an applicant if the applicant answers a question that is marked as a knockout question on a questionnaire. This message can be updated to your company's desired verbiage. A custom Knockout Message in a questionnaire will take priority over this default message. If the custom message box in the questionnaire is blank, this default message will display.

Knockout Color: This setting can be used to select a color for the knockout items/questions. You can customize through a color-chooser.

Marginal Color: This setting can be used to select a color for marginal items/questions. You can customize through a color-chooser.


Knockout Question functionality can only be used with question Type: Multi Checkbox or Multi-Radio Button.





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