This document outlines group configuration within the Elevated system.
If you have any questions about the group configuration for your company, please reach out to your designated specialist for assistance.
Group Configuration
The system allows you to sort users into groups so you can assign managers to employees. The result is the managers will only see the employees that they have access to.
Group configuration goes hand in hand with security profiles to set up proper access in the system.
- Groups: Establish who a manager can see in the system
- Group Permissions: Determine what can be accessed for the manager's employees.
- Security Profiles: Establish what a manager can access/edit for their employees
Even though group permissions determine what can be accessed for employees, manager security profiles still need to be configured to coordinate with those group permissions.
For Example: A manager may have group permissions to edit employee accounts, but they still need this permission enabled in their security profile in order to perform the edits.
By default, the system creates and maintains a group named All Company Employees. All newly added users are automatically added to this group. Typically, only those with Company Administrator security profiles have permissions to this group. Company Administrators or Green Leaf specialists typically create groups for your company's other managers.
You can create any number of groups to help organize personnel and management responsibilities.
For Example: You might create a group named Sales that includes all employees who belong to the Sales department. You would then assign a manager and provide that manager access to the group with view, edit, and approve permissions over the user accounts that belong to that group. When the Sales Manager logs in, they will see only those accounts, timesheets, and time off requests belonging to the employees in the Sales group.
Creating Auto Groups
You can enable groups you would like automatically created in the system. These can be based on how an employee is configured and to what areas they are assigned. For example, as employees are assigned to various default departments, the employees will automatically be placed in groups labeled as such. Managers can then be added to those groups accordingly.
To create an auto group, please reference the steps below:
- Log in to Elevated and navigate to the Menu > Settings > Global Setup > Groups > Employee Groups Configuration
- Select New Group in the top right corner of the screen
- Select Filter Based
- Enter a name for the group in the Name field
- If applicable, you may enter a description of the group
- Under the Filter section, select No Match and then select any of the following buttons: AND, OR, NOT
- A window will pop-up that will allow you to add in the criteria you would like to filter on
- Once you find the field you want to use to filter, select the flag icon next to it to add it in.
- Select the look-up icon to select the filter for the criteria you selected
- If no other criteria is needed, you may select No Match and then select the DELETE button so that the filter is now only showing the criteria you brought in
- If other criteria is needed, continue to add in other criteria and repeat the above steps if needed by selecting the following buttons: AND, OR, NOT
- In the screenshot above, we are creating a group that includes all employees assigned to the Delivery Department or the Kitchen Department and have a pay type of hourly.
- Once you are done configuring the filter, select Save in the top right corner of the screen
- To see what employees were auto added to the group, select the View Group Permissions button in the top right corner of the screen
You have now successfully configured an auto group within the system!
Please Note: To add a manager to your newly created auto group and configure manager permissions please reference our group maintenance article.
Creating Manual Groups
Manually created groups allow you greater control in assigning the right employees to the group, but will have to be maintained manually once someone else needs added or removed from the group.
To create a manual group, please reference the steps below:
- Log in to Elevated and navigate to the Menu > Settings > Global Setup > Groups > Employee Groups Configuration
- Select New Group in the top right corner of the screen
- Select Regular
- Enter a name for the group in the Name field
- If applicable, you may enter a description of the group
- Select to Save in the top right corner of the screen
- Once you have saved, the Members Not In Group section will appear on the right hand side of the screen, showing you a listing of all users in the system.
- Locate the employee(s) that you want to add into the group and select the + button on their row of data in the report
- You will then see this employee appear in the Group Members section
- If applicable, repeat the steps above until all applicable users are added as group members
- Once configured, select Save in the top right corner of the screen
You have now successfully configured a manual group within the system!
Please Note: To add a manager to your newly created manual group and configure manager permissions please reference our group maintenance article.