How to Reset Password

How to Reset Password


This document outlines the process of completing a password reset within the Green Leaf Elevated System.

Please be aware that this guide is not all encompassing and that password resets are customized per client. If you have any questions regarding a specific password reset within your system or its purpose, please reach out to your Payroll Specialist or the email for more information.



 Step 1: Login  into your Portal

Below is an example of a standard Elevated login screen. Depending on how your company is configured, you may see additional fields or customized content.



 Step 2 :  Update Password

If your employer allows users to change or update their own passwords, you will see the blue Forgot your password? link at the bottom.


You will also be able to change your password from My Information> Change Password whenever desired (shown below).



  Step 3: Change Password

Once you've followed these steps and clicked Change Password, your password should be successfully updated, and you can continue using your account with the new credentials. If employees are not permitted to change passwords, you will need to contact your manager, administrator, or internal help desk to have them change your password.

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