
How to Update Existing Checklists

This article will cover the steps to update an existing Checklist within the Elevated system. You can use these steps, for example, if you have a new policy that you want to add as a part of your Onboarding Process.

Step 1: Locating Checklist

Navigate to Hamburger Menu > Gear Icon > HR Setup > Checklists. Search for the name of the checklist you're looking to update, and click the Pencil Icon.

Step 2: Adding Checklist Items

In the Upper Right Hand Corner, click Add Checklist Item to add a new item to an existing group within the checklist, or select Add Group to create a new Group to add Items to.
Select the Existing Group you're looking to add the item to, a checkbox next to the Item you're looking to add (Custom Form, Link to a page outside the system, etc), and click Add Selected.

The item you added will appear at the bottom of the group you selected, you can use the up and down arrows to change the item's order in the checklist. Click the Pencil Icon to add the details.

Step 3: Completing Details

Be sure the "To Be Completed By" field is correct for the demographic you want the checklist item to go to (Employee, manager, specific security profile or administrator, etc), and select the correct Item (Custom Form in this example) from the drop-down. Name the item, and write out the instructions as you would like them to appear to the employee, click Save. 

Step 4: Review and Save

Review the item, make any additional edits, and click Save in the upper right-hand corner

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