This document outlines the process of verifying an I-9 Form in the system.
- Log into your Elevated account and navigate from your menu to the Team Tab > HR > Forms > Government Forms > I9s.
Please Note: The status of the form must be Employee Completed in order to verify the form successfully.
- Look up the employee's name using the filters and click the pencil to the left of their record to review the submitted form and complete the employer section.
- Fill out the information in Section 2 by providing information for List A only or List B and List C depending on the documentation provided by the employee.
- After completing Section 2, be sure to type your last name, first name, and title in the box provided and confirm that the company address populated is accurate.
- Once you've completed your portion of the employee's I9, be sure to click to Save & Verify to process the form.
- In the pop-up window, enter your password or wet signature to Sign the document and enter the employee's Start Date in the box provided before selecting I Agree to verify the form.
- After you've successfully saved & verified the employee's I9, the I9 status will show as Verified (Online).
You have now successfully verified an I-9 form in Elevated!