Job Change History Reporting

Job Change History Reporting

In this article, we will cover the two methods you can indicate a change in an employee's job history. The Job Change History will be visible in the employee's profile.


Step 1: Go to the Employee Profile


From the hamburger menu, go to Team Icon > My Team > Employee Information. All available employee profiles will appear. Go to the specific employee you wish to change or view the job history of by clicking the Employee Information icon next to the employee profile.




Step 2: Job Change History in the Employee Profile


Once in the employee profile, click the HR tab at the top. In the jump index on the left-hand side, find "Job Change History." This will reroute you directly to the Job Change History section in the employee profile.




Once in the Job Change History section, you can view all historical records of changes the employee has had in their job with the company. The history reflects the date of the job change, the reason for the change, and the title of the new job.


Step 3: Adding a Manual Job Change


To add a manual record of a change in job history, click the Add New button in the Job Change History section of the employee's profile.


A pop-up screen will appear such as the photo below:



In this pop-up, you can manually fill in all available fields with the employee's information for their job change. Once all information has been manually added, click Save in the bottom-right of the pop-up.


To finalize all changes made within the employee profile, click Save at the top-right corner of the profile. To confirm the changes were saved, you should see a green message appear confirming it was saved.



Step 4: Making Automatic Changes in Job History


To make changes in an employee's job change history that automatically update information, go to the Payroll tab at the top of the employee's profile. In the Jump To menu on the left-hand side, click "Pay Information."


In the Pay Information section, you can update the job change history by updating the Default Job. To update a Default Job, click the browse button next to the job title.



Once a new default job has been selected and applied, additional information should automatically be filled out according to the information saved with the default job.


When finished, click Save in the top right corner of the employee profile.



You should see a confirmation "Saved" message appear in green at the top of the profile if the changes were made correctly.




Step 5: Verifying Job History Changes from Pay Information


To view the new job change history record made in the Pay Information tab, return back to the HR tab > Job Change History in the Jump To menu.


The new record should reflect updated information according to the columns at the top.





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