Mobile App Instructions & Troubleshooting
Upon adding a new hire or account in Green Leaf Elevated, the end user will receive an email indicating that they must log in on the web to activate and reset their password. They are also given instructions on how to download the mobile app. By default, all users have access to the mobile app and can use almost all functionality available on the web on the app except for mobile punching. Mobile punching would be a setting turned on at the admin level in order to restrict employees from punching in and out from locations unwanted by the employer.
Below is a video going over the download process and high-level navigation. The user will need the company's short name, user name, and password. There is also a link to this video for the employees in the employee
Knowledge Center which can be shared with the employee or located in their Elevated account under "Help" on the dashboard.
For troubleshooting on mobile punch capabilities and MCA access mobile app view, please scroll down.
If employees are stating that they do not have the functionality to utilize the clock on the app, there could be 1 of 2 issues, if not both.
Security Profile
The employee's "Security Profile" must allow for mobile punching. In order to check, navigate to the employee record (Hamburger Menu > Team Icon > My Team > Employee Information - open the employee, locate "Profiles" then choose to Manage Profiles. Within the profiles, locate "Security" Ensure the user has "Employee Mobile Punch Enabled". Once this is updated, as long as the Timesheet profile is correct, the problem should be solved.

By default, only Profiles for Employees have a toggle to mobile app turn-on options. If a Company Admin or Manager is an Hourly Employee, please reach out to your payroll specialist to turn on the mobile app function for security above employees to allow mobile punching.
Timesheet Profile
The second potential issue could be that the employee's "Timesheet" profile is not set up accurately allowing for punch in and out function. To check on this, also navigate to the employee profile and under manage profiles, locate "Timesheet" profile and ensure the hourly employee is set to "Hourly Clock Punch".
If both settings are updated and the employee still has issues, please reach out to your payroll specialist or HRC for support.
For any issues with Two-Factor Authentication, please see
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