Pay Statement (Benefit Coverage) Report

Pay Statement (Benefit Coverage) Report


The Pay Statement (Benefit Coverage) report is the best way to see what Employee / Employer Benefit Deductions have been taken out of each employee paycheck. You may need to utilize this report if you find out that the deductions being withheld changed mid-year, or were incorrect when provided during implementation, etc. and you need to audit what was withheld against correct amounts.

Please be aware that this guide is not all encompassing and that benefit settings are customized per client. If you have any questions regarding a specific setting or process within your system or its purpose, please reach out to your designated specialist or to the email for assistance.

Navigating to Pay Statement (Benefit Coverage) Report

Login to your Elevated account and, using the Menu in the upper left hand corner, navigate to Team Tab > Payroll Icon > Reports > Pay History > Pay Statement (Benefit Coverage)

Column Headers

  1. Pay Date - Check Date
  2. Type - Type of Payroll - Regular, Catch Up, Etc.
  3. # - Check Number
  4. Gross - Pay Statement Gross Total Amount
  5. # Active Benefit Plans - Defaults to greater than 0 so only employees with Benefit Plans appear on the report.

Page Filters

  1. Pay Dates - you can update this setting to use a Calendar Range (Last and Current Months, This Month, This Year, etc) or Date Range (1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024)
  2. Show Only Finalized Payrolls - This setting will only show payrolls that have been Finalized/Submitted. If you turn this off you can view any pending Payrolls as well.
  3. Ellipses - you can use this to add/remove columns or export your report.
    1. Adding/Removing Columns - you can pull the specific amounts (Employee/Employer) per pay period for each benefit plan. Our recommended search term to pull in this information is to type "Pay stmt: ded. amount" into the Search bar and then locate the specific Deductions (Employee/Employer) you're looking to pull in.
Please Note - if there are duplicate deduction codes in the system, you may have to pull in multiple and remove the incorrect ones based on the time frame you're looking for.

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