Payroll Related Reports

Payroll Related Reports

For the most common payroll reports, navigate to the Hamburger Menu > Team Icon > Payroll > Reports.


Within the reports section, there are subcategories that will assist in the navigation of the type of report you're looking for. Below outlines the categories and types of reports to be found within each section. Don't forget to always look at the date range in the "blue pill" in the upper right per report as well as ensure you have the data you'd like by choosing the ellipses to "add/remove" data you'd like to see. The video at the end of this article will give you high-level tips and tricks on customizing the reports you see.


Also, a great place to look for payroll date-specific data is directly in the payroll processing section. Navigate to Hamburger Menu > Team Icon > Payroll > Processing Payroll - find the pay date you're looking for and click the icon that looks like a chain link - this will give you the shortcut to the most common reports needed by the specific check date in question.


Payroll Funding:

Payroll funding reports will show all reports related to bank accounts and cash requirements.


The most commonly used report is the "Payroll Recap and Funding" report, beta or normal. This report will break down the direct deposit amount, taxes, and invoice amount per the payroll.

Note: For a breakdown of your invoice, navigate to the hamburger menu > gear icon > system > invoices


Post Payroll Reporting:

Post Payroll Reports will house reports such as Worker's Comp related, General Ledger, and Retirement reports. Most of these reports may require additional setup in order to function properly, such as WC class codes on file and tied General Ledger codes, and Retirement may require lists to be added to ensure data on the report is accurate. If you're unsure, please reach out to your payroll specialist.



Pay History:

Pay History reports are great reports to see pay statements, details on taxes, etc. The most commonly used report for copies of pay statements for employees is the "Pay Statement History Detail". Once in the report, be sure to update the date in the blue pill and click on the icon with the magnifying glass as seen below to preview/print PDF of any past pay statements.


The next most useful report is the "Earning/Deduction/Tax Listing" either Summary or Detail, depending on what you're looking for. On this report, be sure to update the dates in the pill as well as "add/remove" data needed, depending on what the report is being used for.


Payroll Register:

Payroll Registers can be pulled in a few different fashions, depending on what you're looking for. Once you determine if you're looking for the report by the employee, cost center, etc. You can "add/remove" columns by choosing the ellipses to add additional data that you may want to use to filter your register before exporting. For example, maybe you want to see who had direct deposit vs. live check. In this example, you'd "add/remove" and search "direct deposit". Or let's say you want to see the register in alphabetical order, you can "add/remove" and add the first, last, or full name to allow for a column that you can then ascend/descend the order of the data. Lastly, if you need to add data not showing such as ER taxes, etc. choose the gear icon and choose accordingly as seen below. After any changes are made, choose the ellipses to save your view for future registers.


Labor Distribution:

Labor Distribution reports will require cost centers to be on file and employees to be properly tied to the cost center. Once in the report of your choosing, be sure to update the date in the blue pill and also the filters of Cost Centers to include in your reports.


These reports are usually helpful to "Group" data as well. For example, if you want to see each cost center listed and a total per cost center, you may want to choose the arrow to the right of the header in the report and "Group" the data. This will allow for the data to show totals per Cost Center in addition to grand totals. See below for reference. Don't forget to save your views for the future.




All tax reports such as taxes per pay statement, per employee, etc. are all found under this tab. All copies of Quarterly Returns can be found under "Tax Documents".



Reports such as Tip Credit reports and other reports regarding benefits and outstanding checks can be found here.

To export any reports, click on the ellipses and export. You can choose any export fashion you'd like. If you need to update headers/naming conventions, click on export settings prior to executing the export and you can click/un-click data to export as well as update the name of the header. 

After you have created your custom filters/reports you can save the reports to your dashboard. Be sure to check out how: HERE




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