Rate Tables are used when employees toggle between Jobs to determine the rate of pay they should be paid for that particular job.
When working with Rate Tables, the table must first be set up. Typically you would want to reach out to Green Leaf to help build the Rate Table and be sure to have the Rate Table available and all settings complete before moving to the employee setup listed below. We must know what the Jobs are, the rate per Job, and if you want the employees to be able to toggle on the time clock. If this only applies to certain groups, please include that information as well in your request.
After the rate table is built, Green Leaf should provide the naming convention of the rate table that was built for reference in the steps on the employee.
To add the rate table to the employee, navigate to the employee information screen. (Hamburger Menu > Team Icon > My Team > Employee Information)
Once on the employee record, search "Base Compensation". Be sure first, that the employee has an hourly rate set on the base comp widget as seen below. This rate will be used anytime there is not a job/cost center associated.
The next step is to scroll down to Rate Table 1 - and select "Manage Personal Rate Table"
Once the Manage Personal Rate Table appears, scroll down to the Extensions tile. Choose the Extension Rule "Get First Alternative Rate From", then in the Rate Table option (where Piecework Rate is showing below) you'd choose the Rate Table created for your company.
This would allow any jobs chosen on timesheets and added during payroll to assign the corresponding rate to the hours for that job.
Now if you also want to make sure your employee can toggle between the Job or Cost Center, you must be sure (if not already in place) that the timesheet profile for this employee is updated. If you already allow toggling no steps are needed. To check, go to the employee's profiles and look for "Timesheet Profile". If the profile options have a "Toggle" option, then choose. If you do not see an option or a naming convention was not provided by Green Leaf then please request this extra timesheet to be created for you. If it applies to all current employees we may have updated your current timesheet profile and would have let you know.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to your assigned representative.