This document will outline the items that will be released in the next system update. The next system release is scheduled for April 11, 2024. If you have any questions regarding the notes listed below, please contact your designated Green Leaf representative(s).
Inline Filter Panel Expand/Collapse in Reports
The inline filter panel will now be auto-collapsed in a system default view when there are no set column filters. This change applies to both responsive and embedded classic reports. Any existing saved views with a set expanded or collapsed state for the panel are unaffected by this change.
Share Reports & Report Views
Users can now share reports and report views that they own with other users. A new option, Share link to report, can be found in the Actions ellipsis menu. When you select the Share link to report option, a Share Page pop-up window will appear with a URL link and a QR Code that will take a user to the report page. The share option is also available in dashboard tiles.

Note: Sharing a link with a user does not grant that user permission to view the report. Users must be assigned the proper permission(s) to access a report in order to view it via the shared link. These permissions tied to reports can be found in the user's assigned security profile under the Security Items section.
Workers Comp: Updated Mass Edit Column
The State column in the Workers Compensation Codes pop-up window (under Mass Edit > Mass Edit Profiles, select the search icon next to the Default Workers Comp Code field) has been updated to State/Province.
Workers Comp: Updated Column in Reports
The State column in the Workers Comp Carriers Policies report (Payroll Setup > Workers Comp > Policies) and Workers Comp Codes report (Payroll Setup > Workers Comp > Codes) has been updated to State/Province.
Workers Comp: Updated Field on Workers Comp Code Page
The State Code field on the Workers Comp Code page (Payroll Setup > Workers Comp > Codes) has been updated to State/Province.
Workers Comp: Updated New Workers Comp State Code Field
The State field in the New Workers Comp State Code pop-up window (Payroll Setup > Workers Comp Code > Codes > select Add Code button) has been updated to State/Province.
ER Name & Address Added to Federal W-4 PDF Version
The downloaded PDF of the Federal 2024 W-4 will now include the employer's name and address, which is sourced from the Company Legal Name and EIN address.
Added Column to Process Payroll Report
A new default column, # Pre-Check Messages, is now available in the Process Payroll report (Payroll > Process Payroll), which shows the total number of pre-check messages (all types, info, warnings, and errors) that currently exist for each payroll. When you select the number in the column, you will be navigated to the Payroll Pre-Check Report.
Time & Labor Management (TLM)
Webclock: Using Badge ID on clock page unsuccessful when one account terminated in Multi EIN company
Previously, when an employee was moved from one EIN to a different EIN in a multi-EIN company, and the employee's account in the previous EIN was terminated, the employee could not punch in with their badge ID on the webclock (.clock).This has been fixed, and in this situation employees can now punch in with their badge ID on the webclock as expected.
Manage Shift
To allow users to manage shifts in a more efficient manner schedules, the Manage Future Shifts link is available when in Week or Month view. When selected, the Manage Future Shifts pop-up window displays allowing for the selection of multiple shifts for the days of the period selected. By means of a Browse and Select Shifts window, changes may be made.
Within the Employee Schedules Details pop-up window, the Manage Shift link and page allows for updates to be made for a week, an entire schedule, or a custom date range. Existing schedules reflect the new shift assignments and updates are pushed to Posted Schedules upon saving the changes.
View Schedules in Multiple Schedule Overview
To allow managers of multiple schedules to view all schedules together in one schedule view, a new select checkbox column has been added to the Schedule > Advanced Scheduling > Schedules list page, allowing for multiple row selections. When at least one schedule has been selected, a new View Schedules button brings you to a new View Schedules page. Managers still can see individual shift details by selecting a shift.
Along with these changes, the schedule overview page has been updated to the new look of Ready and other Scheduler pages. Pagination has been introduced to allow up to 200 employees to be included in the view at one time. The Settings menu contains options to Show Time Offs and Show Pending Time Offs.
Override for Overlapping Shifts
Formerly, Overlapping Shifts was a default constraint in Scheduler and could not be proactively overridden to allow employees with overlapping shifts to appear in the Qualified tab. Now, a new Overlapping Shifts option has been added to the Override Constraints option. When selected, overlapping shifts no longer prevent the employee from being qualified to work a shift with overlapping shift times.
Locale Added to Regular Type HR Action
For the Regular Subtype in HR Actions, a new Locale (Language & Format) Action Item has been added. Managers with employees who live in different areas of the world can set or adjust the locale when performing a Regular HR Action rather than having to manually make the change. The list of available locales match what is configured in Global Setup > Locales. By default, the locale for the selected EIN will populate as the value.
Employee Headcount Report: Usability Updates
Updates have been made to the Employee Headcount report to increase usability on past employee assignments and other data such as Demographics, Account Status, EEO Classification, Ethnicity, Gender, Cost Centers (1-10), Job Type, Employee Type, Manager 1-6, and Base Compensation (Amount, Amount Per, Hours, Hours Per). Administrators and managers can get reporting on historic employee assignment data as of a certain date, which eliminates having to run multiple reports to get the same information.

Important: This will only include changes to employee assignments made on or after April 13th, 2023. If running the employee headcount report for a date prior to April 13th 2023, it will still show their current assignment for these fields, rather than accurately showing where they were assigned on a date in the past.
ESS Enrollment: Modifying Custom Fields via Plan Detail Page
Inside the ellipsis of the dependent benefit plan selections for employee ESS enrollment, located in the Coverage for Spouse and Coverage for Children sections, a new View/edit additional information option has been added when certain conditions are met. If Custom Fields are not enabled for dependents from within the benefit plan, the 'View/edit additional information' option will not be shown.
When the option is available and then selected, the user will be shown the Benefit Custom Fields where they can view, or possibly make edits and save (based on the user's security permission to edit these fields.)
Benefits: Capitalization incorrect in coverage level in enrollment change request
Previously, the benefit plan coverage level had the term entered as EE + Child(ren)., but in the enrollment change request, the word in the parentheses was capitalized incorrectly as EE + Child(Ren). This has been fixed, and the terms are now capitalized correctly.
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