Release Notes (August 2023)

Release Notes (August 2023)


Ease of Use Updates for Dashboards

  • Photo Uploads: When using the dashboard experience, photos are now uploaded when selecting the employee drop-down and clicking the employee photo/initials.



  • Start Buttons: The Start widget now provides a cleaner, more focused visual experience for users, including a new look & feel for the categories and the menu of links per category.



Ease of Use Updates for Reports 

When navigating to a report on desktop or mobile, core elements of the experience have been refreshed to enhance the visual focus of important data and options.


Ease of Use Updates for Hamburger Menu 

In order to provide a more simplified user experience, we have modified the hamburger menu in the following ways:

  • The user drop-down actions previously located at the top left of the menu have been removed.

    • They are still available via the same drop-down menu in the header (top-right of application.)

  • The first level of the navigation(categories) have been moved to the left side of the menu along with their dedicated icons. Category icons now adhere to the selected theme of your company. All other menu items are available of the right side of the menu.

    • Applies to My Info and Team tabs only.

  • The dedicated Favorites tab has been removed and Favorites are now available from both the My Info and Team tabs of the menu.

    • Favorites configuration is available via the gear icon in the Favorites menu.



Communicate Option Added to Header Drop-Down 

Under your Profile icon in the header, a Communicate button will be available. When selected, the Communicate dialog will open where you can define and submit your communication.




New Data Imported Report Added to My Reports

A new Data Imported report has been added under My Reports > System Reports > Audit Trail, which will allow users to view the imports and results of those imports.

Columns in the report include the following.

  • Import Type

  • Status

  • Method Used

  • # Rows

  • # Bytes

  • Imported On (date/time)

  • Import Results, which generates a link to the Import Results page to show the results

    • Import Results are automatically deleted and refreshed every 7 days. If there are no results available, the link will not display.


Lock Out Reasons Updated 

Previously, the system generated lock out codes in the audit report that were not in common language, which made them difficult to interpret. In this release, the codes have been updated so they are easy to understand and additional columns have been added. These updates are not backwards compatible and will only affect new codes generated once this release is applied to your server. the new column name is Account Locked Reason.

 Note: At this time, users can only see the current reason the employee is locked out. A future enhancement is planned to provide the past reasons an employee may have been locked out. 




No updates this release!




Time & Labor Management (TLM)

Pre-Processing: Timesheets

To allow users control over when pre-processing begins, users can now determine when the On Submit timesheet rules get pre-processed.

Two new drop-down options are available in the Timesheet Profile settings, Pre-Process On Submit Errors and Pre-Process On Approve Errors. The checkbox options allow users to choose when to pre-process the set of rules, either before or after the last day of the timesheet.

  • Pre-process On Submit Errors is located in the Employee Policies section of the Timesheet profile. This option automatically runs the On Submit rules on the specified day chosen.

  • Pre-process On Approve Errors is located in the Manager Policies section of the Timesheet Profile. This option automatically runs the On Approve rules on the specified day chosen.


Time Off Confidentiality: Timesheet Change Request Comments

When employees submit Timesheet Change Requests that are related to confidential time offs, comments entered in the change request are now hidden for managers without View Confidential Time Offs security permission.

Request comments are hidden for the following timesheet change requests that may be associated with confidential time offs:

  • Modify Time Off

  • Modify Cost Center

  • Modify Shift Premium

  • Modify Pay Category

  • Cancel Time Off





Day View & Month View Drag-and-Drop

In the Advanced and Basic Scheduling Day view on mobile and desktop, managers can now select and drag an assigned shift and drop it into another row in the Day View or drag and drop a shift to another day in the Month View, to reassign the shift to a different employee.

When a shift is selected and dragged, the day will be highlighted gray to indicate that you can drop it there. Constraints are validated when dragging and dropping a shift.  


Week & Month Views Drag-and-Drop

Previously, when users selected multiple shifts to drag to another day, all the selected shifts would drop into one day and they would be assigned there. Going forward in the Week and Month views, when multiple shifts are selected, the shifts will be dropped in the same manner they were selected.


Basic Scheduler: New Monthly View

The Month view that was previously only available in Advanced Scheduling is now an available view for TLM Basic Scheduling so that managers can easily view and create employee shift assignments on a month-by-month basis.


New Schedule Generation

Previously, when a new schedule was assigned to an employee, previously assigned schedules would be overwritten with the latest. With this enhancement, a new setting allows the new schedule to generate starting from the date of assignment.




I9 Form Updates

  • Update to Additional Information Field Requirements: By August 30, 2023, employers must complete in-person physical document inspections of employee documents that were remotely inspected and update the Additional Information field with the date the documents were physically examined and add either their initials or their full name and title.

    • We will allow the Additional Information field in Section 2 to be edited. This is for any Form I9 (including historical) regardless of the form Status and regardless of any document expiration dates.


Note:   This will be for all statuses except New, as that status is only for employees filling out their fields and Additional Information field is for managers or administrators.

  • Date Started Validation Window Extended to 90 Days: As part of the Form I-9 verification process, a manager or admin must enter a Date Started field which subsequently populates the Employment Started On date in the signature portion of Section 2. The Date Started field has historically been set to be valid for 30 days. For companies who hire employees in advance of 30 days, this window may not be sufficient.

    • To address such situations, the validation on the Date Started field within the Save and Verify I-9 pop-up has been increased from 30 days from the current date to 90 business days from the current date. The validation is also applied to external validations, such as E-Verify. If the date is greater than 90 days, a warning message will display with date details.


  Note: This new validation window only applies to new forms. Existing forms are set to 30 days.


Turnover Rates (All Cost Center Levels)

The Turnover Rates by Cost Center report will now be able to be filtered by all cost centers, both parent and child levels. In the report, we have added a new Show All Cost Center Levels toggle. When activated, all cost centers and job levels will be pulled into the report and display as rows under the corresponding cost center name.

  • The employee data included in the filter is based on their assigned cost center level.

  • Only the cost center levels that have an employee assigned to it will show in the report.





New Benefit Enrollment Experience

In this release, we have made multiple improvements to the employee benefits enrollment process. While the basic process to configure and launch enrollments hasn't changed, the experience for your employees has been updated with a more graphical and visual experience with improvements to the cards or widgets your employees will see as they go through benefits enrollment. This experience makes it easier for employees to make election decisions during enrollment.

We've added:

  • Visual cards with more details

  • You and Your Family Tab allows employees to add their spouse, dependent(s), and beneficiaries to their account before assigning them to plans

  • Side-by-side comparisons of plans

  • A new Shopping Cart where employees can see what they have selected and how much it will cost them per pay period. As plans are added, changed, deleted, or declined, the cart will dynamically update.


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