Release Notes (October 2023)

Release Notes (October 2023)


This document will outline the items that will be released in the next system update. The next system release is scheduled for October 12, 2023If you have any questions regarding the notes listed below, please contact your designated Green Leaf representative(s).



Employee Maintenance: Clear 2FA Registration

Managers and administrators can now mass clear Two-Factor Authentication registration so they do not have to go into each Employee Profile and clear them individually. A new page titled Clear Two-Factor Registration is available under HR > Employee Maintenance.

The option on the page is titled Clear Two-Factor Registration, and when pressed, it clears the two-factor registration of the selected employees. Access to this page is granted via the Clear Employees Two-Factor Registration security permission under HR > Employee Related Functions.

Display Show Password Icon on All Login Pages

To reduce the amount of account lockouts due to invalid passwords, users can now see their password unmasked. When a user navigates to the login page, they can unmask their password by pressing on the eye icon on the right hand side of the input field. When the eye icon is selected, the password is unmasked. If the eye icon is selected again for a second time, the password is then masked again.

Real-Time Validation on Change Password Page

Users can now see if their new password (My Information > Change Password) meets all the requirements of the password criteria before they submit it so that they can easily change their password on the first attempt. 

Real-Time Validation for Employee Profile Page

Users can now see if their new passwords meet all the requirements of the password criteria before they submit on the Employee Profile page, allowing them to change their passwords on the first attempt.

Remove Border from User Picture

The border from the User Picture component has been removed so that the new view provides a more simplified and cleaner experience. With the border removed, the picture size is now increased to encompass both the previous picture pixel size and the border pixel size, ensuring that the total size is the same. This change applies to both the Desktop and Mobile Application.




Compliance Hub

The Compliance Hub consolidates all compliance-related paths into a simple to navigate page, automatically configured based on existing Security Profile configurations. Items have descriptions that provide context and instructions. The Compliance Hub automatically provides links to items in which a user has security rights, relying on additional Edit access for most links to provide only the items relevant to your role and permissions.

The Compliance Hub can be found under Team > Hubs > Compliance, and it features tabs for:
  1. ACA
  2. Leave
  3. Workers’ Compensation

Forms Hub

Forms Hub provides quick access to all available forms, automatically showing the forms that a user has access to via their existing Security Profile permissions. Accessible via Team > Hubs > Forms and My Info > Hubs > Forms, these hubs contain descriptions for every system form to provide context and educate users on the use of each.

Team > Hubs > Forms provides links to the manager functionality for each form. Each link navigates the user to the corresponding report page where employee forms can be reviewed, modified, and accessed. Additionally, an All Employee Forms tab is available that contains a report showing all forms, including custom forms, that are assigned to employees.

My Info > Hubs > Forms provides links to the employee self-service functionality for each form. Each link will navigate to the corresponding page where the employee can add and maintain their own forms. Additionally, an All My Forms tab is available that contains a report showing all the forms assigned to the employee, including custom forms.




NEW Payroll Pre-Check Report

Payroll admins can now view pre-check reports that are populated throughout the pay period as changes are happening in the system. This allows admins to check changes that are occurring to employees throughout the pay period, all in one area of the system. This also makes it so that admins do not have to wait until the pay period start. 
A new Pay Prep processing report is now available, Payroll Pre-Check Report. The Payroll Pre-Check Report shows records of changes to employees, including the following: 
  1. New Scheduled Earnings
  2. Base Compensation
  3. New Hires
  4. Terminations 



Time & Labor Management (TLM)

Extra Pay Attachments

Users of mobile timesheet have been unable to use the Attachments feature with Extra Pay & Counter Adjustments. With this release, users assigned to a timesheet profile with extra pay attachments enabled can attach pictures and documents directly from their mobile device.





Display of Shifts

Schedules are defaulted to display shifts from other schedules per employee, these showing up as gray (read-only) shifts. However, this may cause latency on the page load when a large number of shifts are present. Therefore, a new Setting option has been created, Show Shifts From Other Schedules, which allows managers to control the display. The option is enabled by default to match current behavior but may be unchecked to limit the number of shifts shown.




I9 Forms: New Form to be Added to System

The DHS released a revised Form I-9 on August 1, 2023. Employers must begin using the new form by November 1st, 2023. We plan to have this new form available in the system prior to the usage deadline.  It is currently slated to be hot fixed to the system on Thursday, October 26, 2023. Once hot fixed, you will be able to start using the new form.

An overview of the changes can be found here: Form I-9 Summary of Changes

New I-9 Form can be viewed here: New I-9 Form Example

New I-9 Form Instructions can be viewed here: Form I-9 Instructions

Illinois W-4 2023 Form

The 2023 Illinois W-4 form has been updated to the latest version and is now available. Employees can access their W-4 form from My HR > Forms > Government Forms > Withholding, or My Pay > Forms > Withholding. Admins can access the W-4 form from Payroll > Forms > Withholding, or HR > Forms > Withholding

New Length of Service Functionality Added

Under Company Setup, a new Define Dates Used For Length Of Service widget is available to be added to your company configuration. Previously, the length of service calculation was done using only the hire date. With this new widget, you can determine employment length and years of service based on your own date selection, as set in your employee profiles. If an employee is missing the date set in these fields, Date Hired will be used. The Info icon explains this for both date selection fields.

Dates available are Date Hired, Date Started, Seniority Date, Date Re-Hired, and any defined Custom Dates.




New Notification for Incomplete Enrollments

A new Incomplete Open Enrollment notification has been added to the system that creates individual notifications per recipient for any users that have an incomplete open enrollment. The notification will trigger for employees who either have not started their enrollment, or having a pending enrollment, or a rejected enrollment that needs attention.

'You and your family' Page Updated

The You and your family page has been updated and now involves fewer clicks.

The day(s) to go text has been updated to days left on the benefit enrollment cards and any other place this text is used.

The Add and the Add from existing options have been replaced with an Add family members button. Upon selecting this button, a dialog window will open where existing contacts will display. 



Career Portal Refresh

The career portal has been updated to provide customizable features that will create a better applicant experience and minimize the feel that applicants are being routed to a different system when navigating from your company's website to the career portal. In this release, the following updates have been made:
  1. Allows you to set custom themes that align better to your company website.
  2. Allows for different configuration settings such as header image, cover text, and theme color per career portal.
  3. The jobs can be filtered by job type (previously titled category), location, and search function.
  4. Base pay and employee type are more clearly noted on job as well.
  5. Although you will not need to reconfigure your settings, you may want to in order to utilize the new customization options. In addition, the recommended header image size has been updated from Min size: 1440 X 274 pixels to Min size: 1920 x 1080 pixels.
  6. On the new career portal landing page, the open jobs will be showcased and approximately the first 250 characters of the job description will be displayed below the Job Title for each requisition. 

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