Scheduler Enhancements
Copy/Paste Improvement
Copying a shift or time off had only allowed for a single paste onto another day. Now, for Basic and Advanced Scheduling Week View, copying a shift allows for multiple pastes when using desktop view. Users with Modify Shifts and/or Assign Shifts permissions have the Add icon available, whereas Assign Shifts only does not allow for Add shift. Users with permissions to add Time Off entries only see the Add Time Off option.
After selecting a shift and choosing Copy, the copied shift darkens and displays a check mark. Then, hover over another day and the Paste icon displays on the days where the shift may be pasted. Upon choosing to Paste, the shift processes through the validation check and posts to the schedule. You then can move onto another day and repeat without the need to re-copy the shift.
A plus icon displays allowing you to Add a shift or a time off.
Advanced Scheduler
Browse and Select Shifts for Day Types
When a manager chose to add a shift to an employee, the Browse and Select Shifts window did not display if a Day Type is assigned to the shift. This has been enhanced to include a column for Day Type. The Day Type is assigned in the subsection within the Additional Information section.
Browse and Select for Manage Open Shifts
Previously, when viewing the employees upon choosing an open shift, just the available employee names were displayed for viewing, but not any additional information which may be used to filter the employee list, such as employee type. Now, the Browse and Select window for employees is a report style view in which employee information is immediately displayed and you may add and remove columns for additional filters.
Icons and Options in Week View
When hovering over a day in the desktop schedule view of an employee's schedule, a new + (add) icon displays allowing you to add a shift or add a time off. Choosing to add a shift opens the Browse and Select Shift window, and choosing to add a time off opens an Add Time Off pop-up card to select and enter information.
After a manager chooses to add a time off to a schedule, an Add Time Off window displays with fields for selection for the time off. Upon saving the time off setting, the time off is added to the schedule and populated onto the employee timesheet. Timesheet, time off, and accrual rules are followed when posting time off.