Release Notes (February 2025)

Release Notes (February 2025)


This document will outline the items that will be released in the next system update. The next system release is scheduled for February 13, 2024. If you have any questions regarding the notes listed below, please contact your designated Green Leaf representative(s).


Reports & Charts

Pipe Delimited Text Option for Report Exports now Available

The Text (Pipe Delimited) file type is now available as an option when selecting file types in order to export reports, which will place a pipe delimiter ( | ) instead of a comma ( , ) inside the .txt file. This option is available for the following features:
  1. Export
  2. Schedule Report > Send to my completed reports > Export
  3. Schedule Report > Send to delivery destination
  4. Email Schedule

Scheduled Reports now Support the Option to Display Header/Footer in Delivery Destinations

Users can now enable or disable the headers and footers when exporting reports through the Schedule Report - Send to Delivery Destination option.



Deduction Wizard Name Changed

The Deduction Wizard has been renamed to Involuntary Deduction Wizard. The Deduction Wizard option from Employee Information > Deductions widget > select the three-dot ellipsis icon has been renamed to Involuntary Deduction Wizard.

Payroll Processing

Added Filter to Pay Statements Report

Employee category records that display on the Pre-Check Report highlight changes to employees that will affect payroll outcomes. In the Pay Statements report (Team > Payroll > Process Payroll > select Payroll Prep Process > select View Pay Statements), users can now filter in/out employees who have changes that display on the Pre-Check Report. 

On the Pay Statements report, a PreCheck Message Filter drop-down field is available. Options include:
  1. No Filter: This default option does not change any filtering on the report. This shows both records for employees that do and do not have pre-check records. 
  2. Any PreCheck Message: This filters the report to only show records associated with employees that have any pre-check records, regardless of the type, but only if they are of the "Employee" Category of the pre-check message.
  3. No PreCheck Messages: This filters the report to only show records associated with employees that do not have any pre-check records.

Employee Pay Statement Translated

Employees can now view their pay statement in their preferred locale (set from My Info > My Information > My Profile > Account Information widget > Locale (Language & Format) field). When the employee selects the Pay Statement link (My Info > My Pay > Pay History) the Pay Statement Preview is translated to the employee's chosen locale regardless of their EIN. The check portion will not be translated.
The Payroll Comparison report link has been moved from the View Payroll step and is now located in the Check Your Totals step in Payroll Prep.

Updated Payroll Alert for Terminated Employees

An alert displays at the top of the Edit Pay Statement page (Team > Payroll > Process Payroll) the first payroll after an employee is terminated. Previously, this alert did not display.


Scheduler Enhancements

Copy/Paste Improvement

Copying a shift or time off had only allowed for a single paste onto another day. Now, for Basic and Advanced Scheduling Week View, copying a shift allows for multiple pastes when using desktop view. Users with Modify Shifts and/or Assign Shifts permissions have the Add icon available, whereas Assign Shifts only does not allow for Add shift. Users with permissions to add Time Off entries only see the Add Time Off option.

After selecting a shift and choosing Copy, the copied shift darkens and displays a check mark. Then, hover over another day and the Paste icon displays on the days where the shift may be pasted. Upon choosing to Paste, the shift processes through the validation check and posts to the schedule. You then can move onto another day and repeat without the need to re-copy the shift. 

A plus icon displays allowing you to Add a shift or a time off. 

Advanced Scheduler

Browse and Select Shifts for Day Types

When a manager chose to add a shift to an employee, the Browse and Select Shifts window did not display if a Day Type is assigned to the shift. This has been enhanced to include a column for Day Type. The Day Type is assigned in the subsection within the Additional Information section. 

Browse and Select for Manage Open Shifts

Previously, when viewing the employees upon choosing an open shift, just the available employee names were displayed for viewing, but not any additional information which may be used to filter the employee list, such as employee type. Now, the Browse and Select window for employees is a report style view in which employee information is immediately displayed and you may add and remove columns for additional filters. 

Icons and Options in Week View

When hovering over a day in the desktop schedule view of an employee's schedule, a new + (add) icon displays allowing you to add a shift or add a time off. Choosing to add a shift opens the Browse and Select Shift window, and choosing to add a time off opens an Add Time Off pop-up card to select and enter information. 

After a manager chooses to add a time off to a schedule, an Add Time Off window displays with fields for selection for the time off. Upon saving the time off setting, the time off is added to the schedule and populated onto the employee timesheet. Timesheet, time off, and accrual rules are followed when posting time off. 


New Future-Dated HR Actions Report Now Available

Administrators now have an easy-to-use HR Actions audit report available for various future effective-dated HR Actions. When an administrator has the Future-dated HR Actions permission enabled in their security profile (Reports tab > Employee Information Reports), they can access this new report under My Reports > System Reports > Audit Trail. 

The Future-dated HR Actions report shows a snapshot of additions and changes tied to fields in approved HR Actions that are future effective dated; i.e., effective in the future for a time span of up to 365 days. HR Action item types supported in this audit report include Earnings, Position Assignments, Hiring, and Terminations.

The report page also shows when the report was last run and the date range of the report. The first time a user opens this report, they will see a setup and run popup window where they can enter an initial date range for which to run the report. The Setup and rerun button allows users to change the date range and rerun the report.
  1. Only approved HR Actions will appear on this report. 
  2. The HR Action Request ID is included in this report to allow users to group HR Actions that may have the same HR Action Item Type or name.
  3. For HR Action hiring item types, the applicant name also appears in this report.
  4. A workflow column in the report allows users to view the current state of the associated workflow.
  5. The Rows on Page/Page Settings will display the number of rows shown on one page, but not the total number of rows.

Termination Details

PDF Download Now Available for Termination Details

Users with proper security permissions can download a PDF of Termination Details, located under HR > Employee Maintenance > Termination Details > Edit icon (View Termination Details). A Download PDF option has been added to the Termination Detail page and is located under the triple-dot ellipsis. Selecting the option opens a Print Settings pop-up where all fields, checkboxes and notes included in the termination details are pre-checked and can be unchecked to exclude from the PDF. 

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