Granting Employee Account Access to the System: General Information

Granting Employee Account Access to the System: General Information

This knowledge center article will cover information about how Security profiles and groups will function in the system to assist your company with understanding how to grant manager/administrator access. Both security profiles and groups MUST be used together to grant correct employee access to manager/administrator personnel. 
  1. Security: Profiles drive what an employee profile can do in the system.
  2. Groups: Drive individual manager access to specific employee profiles. 
    1. Plus, groups have additional security parameters for customizable functionality. 
To better understand the difference between a group and security profile, consider the following:
  1. Security Profiles: Security profiles establish what I can do. Even though group permissions give me access, I still need to have my security profile configured to coordinate with my group permissions. I might have group permission to edit my employee profiles, but I still need the Employee Information (My Team) permission set in my security profile to have the menu option and then perform the edits.
  2. Groups: Groups establish who I can see which contains additional access options. 
Types of typical Security profiles:
This section covers the most common types of security access. 
  1. Employee: offers limited access to the system and grants access to view and sometimes edit personal information. 
  2. Manager: offers moderate access typically to manage employees' time, including approving timesheets, time-offs, and time change requests, and likely grants more security depending on how your company had Green Leaf implement the "Manager" types of security profiles.
    1. NOTE: this grants access to do this, but not access to the employee profiles (groups).
  3. Administrator: offers most access to the system in which would include, editing employee profiles, time management, scheduling, recruitment, payroll, etc. 
    1. NOTE: this grants access to do this, but not access to the employee profiles (groups). 
Types of Groups
This section covers the most common types of group access. 
  1. Manager Groups: manager groups can be found in employee profiles in the "Managers" widget as seen below. When a manager profile is assigned to another employee profiles as a manager, then that manager profile will have access to view that employee.

    1. Note: if the manager's Security profile doesn't grant permission to view employee data, then the manager will not have viewing access. 
  2. Account Groups: This can be found by navigating to the hamburger menu > Cog icon > Global Setup > Groups > Edit. 
    1. Types of common groups include all-access to all employees, specific EIN access, robust filter access, group auto-assigning, and more. 
      1. Note: a filtering example may be that an administrator has access to all employees but the executive class. 
    2. Note: if the manager's Security profile doesn't grant permission to view employee data, then the manager will not have viewing access. 
Common Types of Access
See the articles below to grant access security and employee profiles access for these most common types of scenarios. 
  1. Granting manager access:
    1. Note: this would be for approving timesheets, time-offs, and time change requests, and likely more depending on how your company had Green Leaf implement the "Manager" types of security profiles
  2. Granting administrator access:

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