If your employer allows you to add availability and/or preferences to the calendar please follow the below steps.
Once the day is clicked on the calendar, the options become available on the right.
Note: You can choose more than one day at a time if the preferences would be the same.
Once the day/date is chosen then and the pencil for Availability or Preferences is clicked, the screen below will appear - here there is the option to choose from the blue drop-down of available/not available, etc. The drop-down will determine if a time frame is to be added or if you chose "full day" the time will disappear. Make your choices then "Apply" The same process would apply to "Preferences".
After the criteria have been selected, the calendar will reflect the choices as seen below. To make any adjustments to the Date, click on the date.
To see existing preferences or to delete them, choose "Existing Availability/Preferences"
Here you can see all that you have listed and delete any that is no longer applicable.
Depending on the workflow, your manager may or may not have to approve these "Preferences".