My Benefits
Auto-Enrollment Walkthrough
Purpose Some Benefits offered by your employer may be provided at no-cost to you, and your Auto-enrollment in them may be available from as early as your first day of employment. This article outlines the steps you should take if there is any ...
New Hire Enrollment Walkthrough
Purpose This article outlines the steps to take as a New Employee to elect your Benefit Plans in the Elevated platform. As a New Employee, you are encouraged to participate in all of the benefit plans offered through your Company. Your portion of ...
How to Submit a Life Change Event
Purpose If you need to make any election changes outside of your New Hire Enrollment window or your employer's annual Open Enrollment, you can do so by submitting a Life Change Event in Green Leaf. This Article outlines the steps to create a new Life ...
How to Add a Beneficiary to an Existing Enrollment
The steps below will outline how you can add a beneficiary (if applicable) to a benefit plan that you are already enrolled in. If you have any issues completing the outline steps or adding beneficiaries in general, please reach out to your internal ...
How to Add Beneficiary Details via an Auto-Enrollment
The steps below will outline how you can add a beneficiary (if applicable) to a benefit plan that you were auto-enrolled in. Please keep in mind that this process is standardized across most of our clients, but that processes can be customized per ...
Open Enrollment Walkthrough
Purpose This article will outline the process for Starting and Submitting Open Enrollment through Green Leaf's Elevated portal. Please be aware that this guide is not all encompassing and that benefit settings are customized per client. If you have ...