Processing Payroll
How to Manually Edit an Employee's Pay/Earning during Payroll
Purpose This document outlines the process of manually editing an employee's pay within the payroll in the Green Leaf Elevated System. Please be aware that this guide is not all encompassing. If you have any questions regarding a specific manual ...
How to Unlock a Timesheets/Pay Period
Purpose This document outlines the process of completing the steps to unlock a pay period after it's been locked within the Green Leaf Elevated System. Please be aware that this guide is not all encompassing. If you have any questions regarding ...
Pay Period Changes
Purpose This document outlines the process of a Pay Period Change within the Green Leaf Elevated System. Please be aware that this guide is not all encompassing and that pay periods are customized per client. If you have any questions regarding a ...
How to Block Direct Deposit for Employee(s) during Payroll.
Purpose This document outlines the process of Mass Blocking Direct Deposits for employee(s) during payroll within the Green Leaf Elevated System. If you have any questions regarding blocking direct deposits within your system or its purpose, please ...
How to Add a Recurring Bonus/Earning to an Employee
Purpose This document outlines the process of completing the addition of recurring bonuses/earning to employee profiles within Elevated. Please be aware that this guide is not all-encompassing and that Payroll actions are customized per client. If ...
How to Add an Earning to a Paystatement
Purpose This document outlines the process of manually adding an earning to an employee's pay statement within the Green Leaf Elevated System. Please be aware that this guide is not all encompassing and that earning codes are customized per client. ...
Employees Not Paid Reports
Purpose This document outlines the process of completing an audit during the payroll process by reviewing the Employee's Not Paid Report within the Green Leaf Elevated System. This report shows all employees who are assigned to the pay period but are ...
How to Audit Employees' Accrual Profiles
Purpose This document outlines the process of completing an audit to ensure an Accrual Profile is assigned to employees within the Green Leaf Elevated System. Accrual profiles determine which time offs are assigned to employees and determine how many ...
How to Audit Employees' Pay Calc Profile
Purpose This document outlines the process of completing an audit to ensure a Pay Calculation Profile is assigned to employees within the Green Leaf Elevated System. A pay calculation profile controls how the hours are calculated within payroll. If ...
How to Audit Missing Holiday Profiles
Purpose This document outlines the process of completing an audit to ensure a Holiday Profile is assigned to employees within the Green Leaf Elevated System. A holiday profile controls which dates are observed by your company as a holiday. If you ...
New Check Signer Process
Purpose This document outlines the process of adding a new check signer within the Green Leaf Elevated System. Please be aware that this guide is not all encompassing and that it only covers adding a new check signer, not a new bank account. If you ...
Definitions of Payroll Processing Steps
Purpose This document outlines the Definitions from payroll processing steps within the Green Leaf Elevated System to help you understand what each step means. Below are the steps for processing payroll time prep steps and their respective meanings ...
Bank Change Process
In order to make a bank change to the business bank account on file, we request at least a 3 week notice in advance. In order to start the bank change process, please reach out to your Payroll Specialist. The Specialist will send you all required ...
Payroll: Voids and Replacement Checks
If any pay checks are processed that are in error, you may require a void. A void can only be done by your Payroll Specialist or by submitting a Tax Ticket. Typically a void would only be used if the wages were a complete error. For example, a termed ...
Processing Payroll - No Time Keeping
When processing payroll, there are a series of steps to process through in order to completely submit payroll. The guide below will go through all steps start to finish including all those required when time keeping is being utilized. When navigating ...
Payroll Process Multi-EIN Client
This video shows some tips and tricks when processing a Multi-EIN payroll. Most steps are the same as the usual payroll process.
Cancelling Pre-Note
Purpose This document outlines the process of Canceling a Pre-Note within the Green Leaf Elevated System. If you have any questions regarding Canceling a Pre-Note within your system or its purpose, please reach out to your assigned Payroll Specialist ...
Taxation - Work Site and Remote Employees
If your company has employees in multiple states, the system will tax the employee in one of two ways. The first and most common would be to tax the employee based on the Cost Center called "Work Site/Delivery Location", which would typically ...
Payroll Alerts
Purpose This document outlines the process of creating a Payroll Alert within the Green Leaf Elevated System. Payroll Alerts are a great way to set reminders to alert the payroll processor of items to check on or info to add to payroll. Alerts can be ...
Processing Payroll with Integrated Time Keeping
When processing payroll, there are a series of steps to process through in order to completely submit payroll. The guide below will go through all steps start to finish including all those required when time keeping is being utilized. When navigating ...
Processing a Manual Check
Purpose This document outlines the process of creating a Manual Check within the Green Leaf Elevated System. This includes the steps of how to generate a manual pay statement, ways you can use the pay statement to pay the employee, and if needed, how ...